Saturday, September 22, 2012

Why Am I So Emotional?

  Sometimes I am so focused on pushing others to the next level up, you don't really realize how you touch them. Thank you Hazel for this. I miss you so much you organized nut lol. Gosh I envy that in you lol. The more you and others leave comments like this just confirms the direction God wants me to go in. You actually made this Tough Girl get misty eyed and that don't happen often, kudos to you lmbo.
HazelBeam said...
Hey Diva!!! I just wanted to say, you keep me rolling. You make me laugh, cry and sometimes spit my food are so generous with yourself. I was wondering if you could come and speak to a Women's Group? I want to catch you before you get too busy. Are you going to be speaking with Bam's Foundation? Your story needs to be heard nationally. I will inbox you the details, just let me know if and when. If you need any help, homework ,a sitter, just let me know. I know you run your life efficiently, but I also know the huge undertaking you have. I am so proud of you.

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