Friday, September 28, 2012

Say It Loud...Do Better By Me!

We have to do better by each other folks. As human being I always pose the question, how have you treated your fellow man? I always say If you love me, you will do better by me as a human being. If the love of God is with in us, he requires it right? RIGHT!!!!! Because we are so quick to hurt one another. Jus, you know I love you and I hate that you are going through this. When someone you know or don't even know does wrong by you, love them and love them hard. I was just in the store and a man was hitting on/flirting or was very inappropriate. I was kind, smiled and kept moving about the store. I did my best to ignore him but he kept on.

He then lashed out about how all women were bi%$hs and he hated us. I immediately started to pray. That was hurt he was speaking. It had nothing to do with me and everything to do with his issues. I always say, If you really love me, then do better by me as a human being. I promise, you'll benefit from it. What if I lashed out? What if I yelled and disrespected him? I am not loving him am I ? No! So Cuz, don't slap anyone tonight lol....I ain't bailing you out. You benefit when you love and require others to love you. Every human being can benefit. And loving from a distance is cool, I just don't want you to regret things based off how you react right now. I love you girl!!!!!!!!!!

If all else fails just walk away. If they can't really love you like any of their fellow man, keep praying and walk away. You should not have to endure that kind of treatment.

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