Friday, October 30, 2015

There can only be one.

I'm the best to ever do it, there can only be one and you know it. This gave me a good chuckle because I know you're bored af over there. I'm irreplaceable. πŸ˜‚

Everyone Deserves a Vacation

NOLA you were awesome!

I barely ate the whole time....too salty.
Gotta take a selfie and send it to the Mister back at home. I'll be home soon baby! 

Ear Candy
My Ride and Fly Homegirl! 
Just because I'm cute and I know it! 😜
The beautiful oaks of Oak alley.
in the slave quarters.

stay away from the hurricanes but definitely try the grenade.
dancing in the street. There's an alligator behind me.
there's an alligator behind me.


I have the most beautiful friends like serious. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Remember when I said all things will work together for my good if I kept the faith? Well today I was showered with support from so many angles. People turned the key to unlock the doors I'd been knocking on for so long. 

Now I just have to continue being good to people, the world, loving, giving. And sharing and my doors will be opened. 

Be kind and the world will open up to you. 

Feeling extra thankful and grateful. ❤️

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

How do you choose to forgive.

I usually choose to forgive and completely detach especially if my offereder shows no remorse or resolution. I'm not mad, I'm just done. Done with children disguised as adults. 

The moment I committed to happiness was the moment my world opened up. 

"Candle flame and volcano. The second kind of forgiveness is a rare occurrence that becomes rarer as the crime grows more severe. In this case the offender gives nothing. He never comes to you. And when you go to him, he turns you away. This leaves you alone with your open wound and a solitary choice. No one will blame you either way. But the wound is yours to keep, or let go, and that choice may plot the course for the rest of your life."

Monday, October 19, 2015

Pregnancy after 40

Thanking God for the covering of my family current and expanding.?

So while we're on the topic of babies and progression. I'm over 40, one degree down and heading for the next, and loving my career. 

Ladies how has your pregnancy/childbirth  journey effected your studies and career 40 and over? 

Our goal is to be pregnant by the end of the year, wish us luck! πŸ‘ΆπŸ½πŸΌ

Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday, October 02, 2015

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Love on both sides of the sun

My big man and little man are cooking dinner for me tonight. I feel like the Queen of everything tonight!! It's nice to come home after a long day to people who truly love you. #TeamUs #Family #Winning