Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Just Because

I come home to this beautiful orchid and handwritten note. He's so thoughtful. I was having the worst day and I walk into the bedroom to find this.  

One of my orchids recently died and this beauty lifted my spirits. I love he. ❤️

Monday, December 28, 2015

Happy Holidays!!!

What an amazing Christmas!! This year I received amazing gifts, not just ones under the tree, but ones that poured into our family. My significant other is a beautiful human being and the way he handles the little is nothing short of amazing. 

I'm so excited for things to come in the new year and look forward to sharing some of it with you. 

More love, education, surprises, growth and dreams realized. Wish I could stay longer but I've got to pack for a romantic getaway with my guy. 

If I don't talk to you before the new year please be safe, drink responsibly, and continue to dream big! πŸ˜˜πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Love Is...

When they help you heal, changes the bandages, covers the gaping hole that is left behind and doesn't flinch not even once, that's love. It's gross but they think it's cool all at the same time because it's a part of you... and they love you anyway, even at your not so fabulous state. Love is when the gently tell you to toughen up, a little discomfort won't kill you..I believe it's their way of saying "you got this, I believe in you, and you can do it."

One day the hole will be a just a memory and you'll look back and know that someone you love or loved was there during your healing process. #health #Love #Partnership 

Thanks Babe ❤️ 

Pain, Hospital and lots of Tears

Talk about THE worst pain that I've ever experienced in my life!! The push to get healthy is real, not just for myself but for my King and Prince. 

The first couple of pictures represent the calm before the storm.

I don't think I've cried this much and so hard from pain. I don't wish this on my worst enemy, I don't have enemies. 
You know you're in pain when you want to throw up and pass out at the same time. 
As you can see I'm feeling a lot better, still in some pain though.
Brace yourself of the last picture, it's pretty gross and cool at the same time.
Next up surgery!! I don't know when it will be scheduled but I can say that I'm ready to move forward with a healthier life.