Saturday, May 03, 2014

Off the Meds and Off her Rocker

It does not matter how you execute it, manipulation is witchcraft. Her ill and malicious behavior bothered me for a millisecond, then it did something crazy. I was motivated to push myself harder and I began to study human behavior on a deeper level. I wonder if the woman who stalked me for almost three years knows that. You can never win when you play dirty. You can't pretend to friends and family that your a "good christian" and slay God's child publicly and privately...your heart ain't pure. Our love and family is still going strong and still intact after all her attempts to destroy us...too bad so sad. I would love to sit down with her and find out why she hated me so much..I have a few ideas, but I'd love for her to speak her truth. No hiding behind social media, riding past my home, sending subliminal messages...just 100% honest about her whack behavior.