Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I find it baffling when people put themselves before their children. I would go without before my child didn't have. I have and still do go without most of the time now. This weighs heavy on me on this am as I see my child off to school. Had a great round table discussion last night about how we prioritized our lives. My main priority is my child, and making sure he does not feel the brunt of what I go through to make sure he has.

Many times I've robbed Peter to pay Paul, or purchased groceries just for him, while I eat from a loved one. This stunned some of my peers, don't let the fabulous fool you, the coins and folds are all for my kid, I just happen to know how to hook an outfit up and make it look like a million bucks.

I don't have a problem with us wearing hand me downs, or not being able to take exotic trips. The lessons I'm installing in my baby boy is needs and necessity, and most of all patience. I cringe when I hear parents tell out "put that back, I ain't got no money" to their kids in the store. They should never have to feel that. The pressure of this recession should be known, and economic times should be discussed, but they as children should be gently shielded from it as much as they can. No child should have to see a parent worry about such thing. if they do, it should be gently discussed. Children take on far too much worry, let them be kids and have their innocence.
A child should be aware of adult things, when they are mentally and mutually able to process it.

I'm teaching my son the value of money now and what it is to save and spend, what is a need and what is a want, trust me they will thank you for it later. In the end he will value when either I or himself are able to obtained things by putting priority and patience first. How many folks out their have the latest shoes, newest car, can eat out several times a week..... but not have a savings set up for their child. Lets get it together folks, when you know better, you do better.

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