Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Momma and Daddy

Picked my momma up from the ER about 1am. Her health is deteriorating and to see her in pain breaks my heart. I've never been delusional about aging or illness, but it still tough all the same when it's a loved one.

I'm really considering having her move in with me. Some have suggested a Hospice, but whenever she has been ill, I've taken care of her, and I won't have it any other way. If I could move Daddy in I would do that too. He's so many miles alway and facing Chemo. If I could just find a way to get him out her my mind and heart can rest easy. My parents are my parents, no i did I not have a childhood, yes I had to grow up sooner than I wanted but I honor and love them regardless.

I'm thankful for the things they contributed to my life, and the things I didn't get, God provided. The things I longed for, God reconciled with my heart. Parents don't come with instruction manuals to raise us,they do their best and pray they don't break us in the process lol. Lord if I got to really writing about my life....geesh, but I'm thankful. Every thing my parents did and did not do, still was able to produce such a great young woman as myself.

They are proud of me and I and even more proud of them.

Love you Mom and Dad

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