Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Covering The Kids

If you are not married, your kids should never see or be laid up in the bed with you and your partner. It's one thing for someone to be morally corrupt, it's a whole other thing to expose them to it.

What is the spiritual and moral compass you set for your children? What do we teach is right and wrong spiritually? Some people claim to be true believers of the word of God, expose and introduce behaviors to children. Where beside home and church is their sanctuary? These are just my personal views. How people live their life and raise their children is on their heads, just have a spirited discussion today about people who flaunt sin in front of their children.

When we give our children to God (Baptism ,dedication) you take a pledge to raise that child up in the way of the word so that he or she may not depart from it. It's a promise to God, not Joe the Smoe down the block. I digress, again, just my opinion. By no means am I perfect, but I am the shield for my child, until he has to go out into the world and face it on his own.

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