Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Mother's Love

It's totally black outside, I can still see the rain falling though. Figured I would reflect on how thankful I am for my little one.

I fall more and more in love with my child everyday. Sometimes at night even though I have sent him onto bed, I'll go into his room, and curl up beside him. I can't even begin to express how full my heart is for this child, he saved my life. God help me to guide him, protect him, create beautiful happy memories for him and with him...and when it's time for him to leave the nest, I allow him to fly.

 That I not scare him with  fears of the world, help me to let go when it's time. Who knew someone so tiny would come in and make all the difference, not just to me but to others. To the ailing, the broken...he moves people. I used to lay hands on my belly and pray for him. I prayed he would be a light and a leader. My loving sweet child, your tiny hands in mine, the way your laugh is contagious. Even when I am stern with you, one giggle and I am reduced to laughing myself. Thank you God for this miracle. When everything and everyone said no, God said so. I don't think I'll ever be able to fully express the way I feel about you, but I pray you somehow you know. Lord please grant me a long enough life to see this gift along the way, but I know whatever is your will, it shall be.

I look at the leaps and bounds you have made over the past two years and I still get emotional. I honestly didn't think I could not make certain things work but I did. I am my mother's child and she raised a survivor. I may not be raising my child exactly the way she raised me, but I am sooooooooooo grateful for all she bestowed upon me to get me to where I am now as a woman and a mother. She raised a survivor, warrior some might even say. I pray I continually equip my child with the tools he will need to make it in this world. God continue to allow my talents and gifts to be a learning tool not just to my child but to others. Thank you for the gift of song, and the ability to create and motivate in so many other arenas.

God allow me to not shelter him and myself so much, our care and safety and overall well being  is my utmost concern. I can't wait to do this again, prayerfully with a girl...but God whichever you send me I am grateful.  Protect us, grant us mercy Lord.

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