Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Desperate Attempts At Nothing

People are not possessions. People are not prizes to be won, from one lover to another. To the victor go the spoils, I don't think so, not in this case. This is not a game, love is not a game. The most disgusting part is boasting as if you have really did something. Your reality is skewed and you have not won anything. Ladies bragging and boasting about owning and possessing a man is so tacky. It shows your desperate attempt to try and prove you have some sort of leverage, especially with the Ex. I literally can see this monkey dancing and singing na-nee-na-nee-boo-boo, thinking she has really accomplished something. Why keep calling me to remind me of the pretend love and happiness you share, delusions of grandeur I guess.

Oh by the way,you still have nothing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girrrrrlllllaaaaaaahhhhhh she looks and sounds like she is needy and psycho. I mean really, why be such a lier? She will never be you. Can't touch a Diva like you. Love the new look and glasses, you know fashion I swear.