Sunday, February 03, 2013


At first it started out as just giving my hair great chemicals. But getting braided once a month started not seem so bad. As my homegirl was braiding my hair, she took a picture, and my hair had grown significantly. I always had a lot of hair, but doing it seemed like such a chore. I just wanted to throw it in a ponytail and be done with it, if I had to deal with it on my own. Being a true showgirl at heart, required me to wear big hair, practically all the time, and I loved it, and still do.

I love big hair, be it a weave, a wig or beautiful braids. I love to change my hair on a regular basis. As I've Beene on this natural hair journey, I'm starting to fall more and more in love with my own hair again. Now don't get it twisted, I have a lot of hair, and I still don't feel like washing, combing it, or drying it. My arms get tired quickly, so if my home girl wants to play and braid it up , she most certainly can. It's just my luck she is a master at braiding.

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