Sunday, February 10, 2013


My step father , God rest his soul, was an abusive alcoholic. He killed himself when I was 13 years old. When the call came, I didn't shed one tear, yet in the years to follow I mourned his death immensely.

I watched him try to kill my mother several times. The last time before his death, he was almost successful. He abused our mind, bodies and spirit, it was all about control. I never viewed him as human, and my heart was numb to him. I was a little girl, living in fear for my family's lives...not so much my own, but my mother and sisters.

If I see or feel there is a problem I speak on it. I'll call it and you out, not to embarrass...but to draw attention. I've lived and experienced what alcoholism does. Be mad at me, think I'm being spiteful, I don't care. I've almost met my maker thanks to my stepfather driving drunk, I've witnessed him suffer from seizures due to neurosis of the liver, I've watched my mom's face be bashed open by the swing of a hammer in his fit of rage.
Yeah I take one too many drinks seriously.

As I grew up my heart eventually broke for him, and still breaks for those trapped in their addiction. It is a disease . I pray they see a better tomorrow.

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