Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"Slam!" We Got This!

My students did an AMAZING job tonight, I'm so proud of them. Teaching children to not judge, especially based on weight, height,race,religion, only fosters healthy minded potential adults.

I was so honored to be able to teach them that shallow, empty, hurt and insecure people behave that way. Their performance not only moved the crowd, it moved them. I'm a proud Mama Bear tonight.

Watching them execute their song through the Nimbaya track was sooooo exciting. Then we took it "Old School" and hit them with "Hey DJ, Steppers Delite" and topped it off with Jazz extrodaner Monk. Getting them to use music in a positive uplifting way, only forces the universe to respond in some sort of way....we always pray it's positive.

One of my students had been picked on because of their weight, and her verse in our song moved me to tears. I had to tell them that bullies come in all shapes and sizes, they look just like you and I. Show me someone who's perfect in every way and I'll take it up with my God. To all my parents, teachers, and mentors, please remind our children that no matter your station in life, you are no better than your brother or sister. Don't be so arrogant and pious with your gifts that you forget to reach back and lend a hand. You have it you to either encourage someone to fail or succeed, what will you be accountable for when it comes to your fellow man?

I'm gonna miss my students, but I'm also looking forward to working with the younger babies next year. Did I mention tonight was AMAZING!

Oh shout out to DJ BR, you had that whole audience of kids singing that crazy pop song tonight. Now it's stuck in my head....."Hey I just met you, and this crazy, well here's my number, so call me baby! I hate you for that lol....jokes, one <3


Anonymous said...

Your students were so good, great use of the tribal music. You were so cute cheering them on. Glad to see you're recovering well.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you are doing better. Let us know how we can help.

EatDaCakeAnnaMae said...

So proud of you Sis! Keep up the hard work. All the sacrafies you make will pay off, don't let anything or anyone stop you. Come teach my kids when your off contract. I'll email you the dets.

MaDealizz said...

Sorry I missed it, but was able to tune in. The piece they did on was so great. I couldn't stop crying, your testimony was life changing. I wanted to know if you could and speak to my youth at church healthy body image and motivation and handling bullies?

We want to extend any help you may need on your pending proceedures. Praise God you are recovering!!! We were really praying for you, GOD IS A HEALER. Victory Sis, you're almost at the finish line.

Anonymous said...

Hey beautiful, glad you're back. Praying for you, we miss you!

Zappmamma said...

Call me, I can help you with specialist!!!!!!