Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Love...How Amazing

I had a moment of clarity about 4 am Monday morning while talking to my boy. I started a post that talked about love and Valentine`s Day and romance and then it turned into something else. I talked about why I am such a romantic and the whole princess notion that was planted in my mind and heart as a child.
My computer froze up and I was unable to save it...But trust when It comes back to me mentally I will be sure to post it for you all.

I am just thanking God for all the clarity that is coming to me as of late. I see just how he is moving through me. Leaning on him is amazing and scary all at the same time. I pray that the hurt my ladybug is feeling will be occupied with productivity.(4ULADYBUG) Things happen for a reason and sometimes change is hard to handle, but that is life. Whatever God has in store will come to light exactly when it needs to. People change and that`s ok...Continue to pray for them and love them regardless. Find out who you are and where you want to go and let God do the rest.

Anywho love is a wonderful thing,(JW) I just realized I love you on so many different levels and I am feeling an incredible amount of peace that comes with that,who knew. I listen to you when you say trust in God,and believe in the things he has shown me. I am holding on to what he has revealed ,holding onto every bit of it. I am in this with you the highs and lows, to answer your question again yes I am open to you.

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