Wednesday, May 25, 2016

I'm On My Way!!!

 This was my best shoot by far and I am so blessed to have been able to work with an amazing team. I am thankful for every struggle, every slander against my character, my motherhood, my femininity, my faith, my education that was hurled at me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

The God I serve is greater than any malicious thing you thought or said about me and people hate it when you stand up for yourself. I admit it hurt in the beginning. I was confused and didn't understand the levels of pain being projected onto my life. I came to learn that sometimes people are ignorant in their thought process be it by their own doing, or the manipulation of others.

I don't excuse the misguided behavior, but I understand it a little better now so I can forgive it, and always expose it.  Some people can't think for themselves. I will however expose it so that it can be a teaching lesson for others and a reminder to myself.

I am beautiful, confident, smart, loving, generous and determined to do anything I put my heart and mind to. 

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