Monday, April 13, 2009

On The Daily Grind

Jackson is sleeping in his crib. Some nights are good and some are not so good. About to throw potty training in the mix. It's a bit stressful not having reinforcement in the home but we are making it work. Sometimes I am dog tired especially if we are at Kenny's early in the morning. I like the fact that because we are there so early he is sleep by 10pm. Finally somewhat of a schedule but it feels like I am juggling all the time, most of the time. I am tired. I am not complaining just venting I guess. I have somewhat joined the ranks of so many women who are trying to balance everyday Mommy life. I got somethings in the works and I am anxious to see how it all goes down.

I am not going to lie, I envy the weekend Daddies, chill during the week, not have to wash a ton of clothes all the time, get just themselves ready, eat a meal uninterrupted,watch a show,run errands etc. I could go on and on but I really need a day within the week just for me. Tired as all get out right now and I am going to sleep in a few( I cried the other day I was so tired). I miss you bloggie boo, we have not connected in a while. I promise I will come back and fill you with my everyday adventures.

Peace Homies

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