Saturday, June 28, 2008

Feeling Again, but Not Hoping

5:00 am
So it's been 8 years since we met that faithful night. I was scared and I did not know what to expect. We pick up and leave off like we never missed a beat. I miss how safe you make me feel about things. You wanted a family with me, you wish my son was your son,damn. What do I say to that, I have no words just feelings. I am too afraid to hope so I won't. I will be content and happy I am feeling again but that is as far as it goes.

There are so many memories, I enjoyed talking about them this morning I;m sure we missed some. It's only been an 30 minutes since we got off the phone and I miss the sound of your voice already. It's been so long since I talked to a man better yet a man who has feelings for me. It feels good to have that time to look forward to. Were so far apart how is this going to work. I don't know what were trying to do. I have to make the right decision. Thank you for the unexpected but very welcome phone call,I'm smiling can you see.

P.S. I miss you too

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