Tuesday, October 09, 2012

"Friend Request"

Sorry I wrote this about a month ago, here goes...
So I got a "Friend Request" from someone who would and could never be a friend of mine. It was his "pretend faux fiancé" LMBO!!!!!!!!!I immediately told my my son's father and she was off the list. For the life of me I am still trying to understand why this chick does not get it. I have come to the conclusion that she suffers from Severe Personality Disorder.

As I look back over the past two years, I have been a target and unsuccessfully slandered by this She Devil. I think about how lonely her life has been and her happiness is no more evident than the human characteristics they pretend to possess. The crazy, desperate lengths she has done and said are truly shocking. I never knew people like this existed until one. I had always heard about them, the horror stories told by others.

People like this boggle my mind. I mean really..I've tried to rationalize it. Yes, yes, we can take the easy route and just call them evil, crazy, or even desperate...but truth be told it all boils down to one thing. Severe Personality Disorder. There you have it, no more searching, no more trying to place your finger on...it's right there Severe Personality Disorder. Unfortunately when gone undiagnosed , families, friends, relationships careers, school are sometimes compromised. It's scary because there are those who can function from day to day. No telling which way their mental hamster is running though.

Denial is another clear sign for people who suffer from this. This whole time, I was puzzled and even at times made light of their out of control and sometimes pathological chaos. It was the thing I only discussed when asked and it usually went like "Girl, whats up with the crazy lady down the road?" We would all bust out in laughter and I would always, always have a sense of heaviness come over me. As much as she would try and disrupt my life, I always ,always felt bad for her. I even felt bad at times for allowing her to fade into nothingness. My natural self is a nurturer, and total strangers are drawn to me and I to them...but I want nothing to do with this chick. I feel sorry for her.

Though I know she is sick, she is also still very competent and aware. Aware she is destructive, not only to herself but to others. I feel sorry for the people who had to endure her in her waking and in the depths of her illness. She is ashamed and prideful and is in a very lost state of mind. I can't and don't want to imagine what it's like to be her. My thing is why not just go balls to the wall with your craziness and knock on my door, why hide like a coward. Perhaps she knows she'll get her heartbroken....more than it already is.

I am in no way a mean girl...but I am also in no way up for tolerating and entertaining someone who is utterly dysfunctional. I know she's jealous and envious of me, and that's all her issue. Please pray for her and people who suffer from delusion, chaos, and personality disorder...they need it.


Anonymous said...

I say beat her ass!

Anonymous said...

Fuck that desperate thirsty bitch up! I'll fuck her up if you don't. You are way to sweet, so I'll do it.

Febuary's Girl said...

I should not be laughing at you all or her, but she's just that funny. It's sad yes, but I can't help her foolish self. She's a loser in the worst form, a sore, sorry, bitter, hateful loser....those are the worst.

Anonymous said...

She's scared of you, that's all it is....and she has every reason to be.

Anonymous said...

She still stalking you??? She's all typed of crazy. What a failure at life, my goodness.

Anonymous said...

When and why did this happen? What did Dub say? She wants to be your friend? In what lifetime, we all know this bitch is off her meds. She is still fucked up in the head from all the trama.

Anonymous said...

She still lurking around, dang Gina?

Anonymous said...

She's just sad and lonley, poor girl.

Anonymous said...

Dub is so hating her, I'm sure she's mad she's a bottom feeder.

Anonymous said...

Ding ding ding , I'm surprised you gaydar has not Broken it's needle. She is so hot for you it's obvious. She's a lesbian. You got yourself a certified stalking carpet muncher lmao

Febuary's Girl said...

I'm going to act like I don't see some your comments, y'all are hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Ok how did I miss this? See you be withholding info. How did this little girl even friend request you? Why would she friend request you? It's because you're beautiful, he falls all over you, you're talented and you're a sweetheart. If I didn't know you, I would hate you too, sike.

Febuary's Girl said...

You ain't miss nothing but a little foolishness and crazy from ole girl. I meant to post it after it happened but it got away from me. I don't think my looks have anything to do with it, but so sweet of you to say. I am sure how, but why I am still not sure. I guess she wanted to get her feelings hurt a little more. I do know she's a coward and her heart is hurting. I can see why, but it's her own doing, not mine. She needs help and I really hope she speaks to a therapist.

Anonymous said...

She's a punk ass coward. I'm sure she would nit confront you in the street. She knows she would get her face stomped in. Dumb ass trick.

Anonymous said...

Did you pray for her? She obviously wants to talk to you. But I don't know why she's so destructive and Out of touch with reality. Once she owns up to what's really going on she can and should move on. Pray for her, she's still Gods child.