Thursday, October 18, 2012


As an artist I've been blessed to have worked with some incredibly talented people. I've been the starving artist, worked two jobs, commuted every week to NY for gigs and auditions, slept on the train and bus only to still make it to work on time...tired but on time.

I remember being incredibly home sick while in tour. I called home everyday...even though I was grown. I've been broke, that starving artist. Risking sleep and savings, I've done it.Coming into dynamic settings and having to prove myself because I was the new girl. The pain of losing a German tour because my nerves got the best of me. It's funny how things come full circle and I totally prefer to sing in German verses Latin when taking vocal tech.

My God I am thankful!!!! Ever open, growing, and nurturing my craft, next stop Gospel Improv. It will be an interesting venture but oh so necessary. My fellow artist, don't be afraid to push yourself, you'll be surprised what you're capable of. Whatever your creative calling, nurture it to it's fullest potential. Don't let anyone defer you from your dreams.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen. People who are not like us don't get it...yet they use it, exploit it. Our talent I mean.