Friday, July 13, 2012

Advocate And Be Aware

Touching on two issues that I continue to advocate for. I remember my days of hotline and hospital advocacy...thinking about going back.

There is a large majority of people who like to make light of this issue....well no one is laughing. This is VERY real and should in no way be joked about, dismissed or be used against anyone to make themselves feel bigger or better.

If and when you do that, you only allow others to see and feel how inhumane you are. Be Aware!


So my homegirl Maz posted this, love her fighting spirit!!

 This was also happening yesterday, which was a big impetus for my "haha rape" post.
    When Liz Gorman was violated in Dupont Circle in the middle of the day, her recount of the incident went viral.
    You've probably heard about the Tosh rape-joke stuff (I'll post a link below in case you haven't), but I wanted to share part of the response by Austin-area comedian Curtis Luciani:

    Here's what YOU need to understand:

    1) Rape is way, WAY more prevalent than you seem to think it is. Are there more than five women in your audience? You do the math, and then you run the little fantasy scenario that I just put together in your head, and you tell me how it feels.

    2) I ain't buying any of that "If I can make jokes about genocide, why can't I make jokes about rape?" Horseshit, unless you made those genocide jokes during a gig at the Srebrenica Funny Bone. You got away with making a joke about genocide because your odds of having a holocaust survivor's kid in the audience were pretty fucking low.

    And if you did happen to have one in the audience, and he heckled you, walked out, and wrote something nasty on the internet... would you be more likely to be a human being and say "Wow. I can understand why that person's authentic response to what I was doing was so emotional and negative. Maybe my genocide material just isn't good enough to justify the pain that it inflicts. Maybe I need more skill in order to pull this off." Or are you gonna be a lousy piece of shit and say, "Yeah, I apologize, I guess, IF YOU WERE OFFENDED."

    Offended hasn't got anything to do with it, moron.

    People have wounds, and those wounds are painful. That doesn't have shit to do with the weak concept of "taking offense." If someone talks about Texas being a shitty state, I might "take offense" at that. Fine, whatever. All of us who like comedy are generally in agreement with the idea that "taking offense" is lame, and a comedian should be willing to "offend" whenever he or she wants to.

    But causing pain is quite a different fucking matter. Your job as a comedian is to take us through pain, transcend pain, transform pain. And if you don't get that, you are a fucking bully, and I've got zero time for bullies.

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