So Larry left and I miss him and so does Jackson. He was such a great help to me and a shoulder to cry on and a good ear. I was able to go out and relax while he was here and that felt so good Jackson and Larry even made me breakfast. He came in the nick of time because it was right on the heels of the confrontation Jamar and I had.
I have a plan now and I am sticking to it. I have my focus and I am asking God to keep me grounded. In all things I must remember Christ. So with that said Everette will be here next week and initially he was supposed to stay with Jackson and I but the Holy Spirit says no. I am excited but I have stand firm on God's path for me and I can't mess that up at all. I had no worries with Larry because he is my good friend and there was nothing going on at all in the romance department. It was cool because he slept in my room and Jackson and I slept in his, we had a cool roommate for a couple of days.
Jackson's Christening was so emotional for me, I felt like I was giving my baby away, but for a good reason. I was when you think about it, I gave him to God and now I have to order my steps in God's word. I want my son to have a blessed life and I pray that I am there every step of the way. My closest friends and family were there. I am so proud to have them share in that moment. So many exciting things have happened and will happen and I am feeling so thankful. Larry came,Jackson got Christened,and I will be working at my dream job before the year is over. Let the praises go up and the blessings come down.
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