There was such a great peace in the air when I stepped out my hotel door and saw this view, I thought it was so beautiful I had to take a picture of it.

We were so excited for the days events we could hardly contain ourselves, here we are happy and on our way to breakfast...which I might add was off the chain.
So here is my best friend signing her life away.

Here she is getting her Laura Croft on. We did the Wall Climb which was not easy at all for me at least and the Euro Bungee which I might add was fun.

Ok so I was a little scary and I know now that I am afraid of heights,but I won't let that stop me from having the experience. Ok I was scared out my mind on the bungee and I cried a little on the chairlift. Thank God Keeva was there to hold my hand and talk to me, it took the focus off how high up we were.

The views were absolutly breathtaking,and I was like a kid in a candy store. Don't let the lipgloss and Mabellen fool you I am an outdoors girl all the way. To me this would be my on my list of top 10 date get-a-ways. I stood as much as I could and as close as I could to the edge of this ledge. The view down from it made me nauseous but it was still a site to see.

214 stairs down and 214 back, there is a first time for everything and this was my very first waterfall at Blackwater Falls. I could not believe how amazing this was I almost cried at the site of it. I had my friend take a picture of me and it looks just like a postcard. I didn't even seem like I was standing in front of this beautiful expression of nature.

After all the days activities we had dinner an headed for the sauna to rest our wery bones.

At this point every bone in my body hurt and we still had to horseback ride the next day. On our way to the pool area about 12-14 deer gather outside the hotel doors. It was so nice to see them so up close and personal but on this night I actually got to feed one. Another guest has some peanuts and gave me a couple, I held out my hand and they came right up ate them.

I would like to give a special shoot out to Shammie,Midnight, Spot and Ledgend our Horses who took such good care of us.

I was so exciting to come and so sad at the same time. We had to come home to the daily grind. You can tell life is very simple in WV. The closest movie theater was 35 miles away. There was not a McDonald's, bill collector, noisy neighbor or anything that could stress us in site. We were 3295 feet up on this mountain and I will admit, it felt good to just be in the moment.
Here is the last picture we took the brakes were starting to smoke from coming down the mountain so we had to stop and give them a rest.

I could not resist I had to take this picture, just because I like plays on words. I know it's raunchy but it was funny to me.

I can't wait to go back, next time I hope you can join me.
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