Friday, April 26, 2013

Last Night

Ok y'all got me crying early this morning!!!! I'm still getting texts and inbox messages about my performance last night. Y'all are gonna make me start dreaming big an stuff. Perhaps I should see this acting thing out. I felt like a mini celebrity, I'm still beaming!
I love you all and I I'm so grateful, it is not lost upon me at all. Thanks to Khaleela for writing a killer play, love her.

Monday, April 22, 2013


I should be asleep, but I can't help but to bawl my eyes out as I give praise from my bed, under the covers. "Only What You Do For Christ Will Last" is ministering to me right now. Father God you are so faithful!!!!

Come Check Me Out!!!!

So I've been dying to play someone totally out of my character. I've literally been studying a personality type like this for about two years, and now I've been given opportunity. I put it out into the universe and it replied. My friend wrote a brilliant script for her class project and I was offered the role. I'm no longer someone's loving mother or devoted wife, I'm a bitter, scorned ,insecure, narcissistic songstress caught in a love triangle.

I'm mean, rude and even a bit psychotic. It feels good to play a bad girl. Because I wanted to save this character's personality under wraps, I took to Instagram and Facebook...posting what may have looked like a jilted lovers taunts. I had to get out this character's mean or delusional streak out somehow.

Going over lines and allowing the character to totally envelope me was not always an option so if anyone thought I was sad, jilted, mean or scorned via social media....GOOD IT WORKED, NOW COME SEE THE PLAY LOL!

Ladies and Gentleman, as you have never seen me before, I introduce to you, Daisy.

April 25-26th @7pm UDC Blackbox Theatre ,Free, see ya there!!!

This Week Alone...

You thought this week alone was bad, check me out next week.


I've used and allowed this in my life. It's a way to throw people off of who you really are and many times keep them away. I call it protecting myself.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Following Your Gut

Ok, I knew my son's school rocked, but today really solidified it. Not only can he display solfe'dge , take spanish, he just signed goodbye to one of his pals.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Meet Me There!!

UDC...Auditorium ...12:30, lifting up our voices in praise. Lord please allow my solo, to minister into someone's life.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Faster Than A...

The weekend was over faster than a New York minute, literally. I love NYC but I'm glad to be home. Shared some good laughs and a couple of attempted cries (can't ruin the make up) on my behalf. I'm glad to be back DC, I missed you.

And yes, I was half way asleep getting my face beat for the GAWD!!! Y'all really didn't think I would leave the hotel looking anything less than fabulous!!! I love L's work, she is amazing and she got me ready for the day. She'll be doing my face for "Got some rhyme , Get some blues"on
the 26th.

Even though I was away, I still can't help but to miss my lil one. I missed my lil love bug tremendously. I'm about to crawl right up next to him and fall asleep. He's going to be surprised when he wakes up. Oh and my home was freakishly tidy when I got back....I love it. I should go away more often lol.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Praise Break!!

Last semester I had a 2.9 GPA, going for 3.0 and higher. Looking at an associate and bachelor in my very near future. Praise break, the sacrifice is well worth it!!!

I've got to thank God, my friends and family.... But most of all my son. I've tried my best to shield him from short finances, nights I stayed up studying, or times I've been sick, his unconditional love in constant and our home permeates that. I pray everything I am teaching him and everything I'm learning rubs off on him.

It ain't been easy...I didn't even factor in the devil...he/she was busy trying to tear me and my family apart...but God said no!!!! I thank him for giving me the foresight to play the game smart, because the demon is far from smart.

At times I feel so tired and burnt out on all ends, but God sustains. After the good news I got today, I have an extra pep in my step and I see graduation in my future.

Sunday, April 07, 2013

I Agree

Know Who Values You.

This is for anyone who has ever been devalued by someone. Discernment people.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Because Being Sick Is Not an Option

Probiotic powdered vitamin, flax seed, raspberry yogurt, almond milk, cranberry juice, kale,grapes, strawberries, peaches and pineapple and a hit of honey. The kale is not as bad as I thought it would be. #health #food #alternatives

Friday, April 05, 2013


Currently listening and vocally reworking this song. The piano voicing on this is so beautiful.

Stop Stalking Me!!!!

Like really, get a life! Some women can't accept that they were nothing more than a sidepiece. #usedgoods #getalife

My Little Comedian

I swear this little boy. The lil says out loud "Momma we gotta get out of here, that lady's teeth is too scary!!" All I could do is hang my head in shame. And today this...