Received a phone call that reduced me to a good way. I made a promise to God last month and ever since he has been showing off with the blessings. Forgiveness is a powerful thing, God prepared me mind, body, and spirit to receive the apology and so now the gap is closed. Thank you Father. All the struggles and heartache I faced was just God's way of building me up to that moment. FINALLY validation and a kindred understanding that they knew EXACTLY how I was feeling. Sometimes people who contribute knowingly and unknowing to another person's pain, don't feel they have done any wrong.
It's an unfortunate situation, but when they do know and have searched their heart..that means there is growth. I cried so hard, I needed to hear that...that's all I needed was true sincere acknowledgment for the actions and it was done. I tell you God has been opening so many doors and I am running through them. Look how amazing and fast he works, just a month ago I was feeling like I had no fight in my left(even though I am the come back kid). He said just have faith in me, and look at what I am about to do for you and your me work! At this point it feels like Christmas to me...with gifts(I never get gifts I want,lol),I am like what's next...really excited. Again Father, I know I am a work in progress. I thank you for staying in the fight with me and for me....I love you.