"05" was good to me as far as theater was concerned. I had 2 plays one opened a week of the other and I knew that once that final curtain came down I was going to collapse, lol. It was because of the traveling back and forth, but I would not have changed a thing. I knew that my role in each show was key. I tend to pick work that has something constructive to say.I pride myself on choosing roles that will help someone along the way.
I try to do my part in the music scene but there are the other parts of me that keep nudging for something more.Theater,music,dance why must I choose?
Why can’t I do both? I have come across some individuals who have tried to discourage me. Of course I don’t listen, lol I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck. I know there is a role out there with my name on it and by God I will be that siren,villain,victim,heroin I will become whatever it needs me to be. The one thing I love about being an artist is the fact that the need to create, share, embrace is so hard to get away from. Your compelled, bound and under it`s spell.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
O . G.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Chocolate City Cotten Club & Eric Roberson

I so enjoy this event and I am so glad it`s back.I had a wonderful weekend and got a chance to see so many wonderful artists. I can`t say it enough I love Eric Roberson and his music,lol. He`s such a wonderful artist and you can feel his energy from across the room.

His music speaks from the heart and right to yours,God has blessed him.When I grow up I wanna write,perform and share just like him.
I may add some more loving aknowledgements later...but for now enjoy the pics from that night.Oh much love to Grenique who took me on tour with her back in her Motown days.Her tour was my very first time doing back up...wow Love you Mommi.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

<-------That`s me on my very first solo gig with a live band in about 2 years.
Click on pics for better view.How blessed was I to have the Stylistics band to play for me.
I was in a band before but I was not the only soloist.I had been doing theater in NY for about 2yrs and found that returning to the mic was not going to be so easy.I was nervous and excited all at the same time.I won`t ramble on this post but I will say i did shine.
I rocked the crowd and they rocked back...gotta love it huh!
My band members play for the Stylistics and they were awsome,my background killed it.I am so lucky to have so many talented beatiful folks as friends.

I didn`t fuss to much with outfits and make-up,I just kinda showed up and sang my heart out.I did all the things I normally do in my mirror at home.I would like to think I perform as if I have already arrived,folks want there moneys worth and that`s what I give um.I pray I am given more opportunities to shine in the future.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Lost in the verse of a song...

I named my blog that because I love music so much. I sometimes I find myself listening to a song so close I pick up things that the average person is not checking for. I follow how the music moves; find where the pulse of it lies, what the lyrics say.
Usually I’m lost in the verse of a song. I see myself there dancing, crying, laughing.It rings true for me there and I bath in it.
It’s that line that confirms exactly how you feel at that moment, or brings back a memory in an instant.
I am a Picese and I am very attracted to water, I look at music the same way. It calms me and I need to swim in it for sanity sake.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Dear God
Dear God
What do you need me to do?
I find often times Lord that I am so lost in what direction my life is going.
Am I doing your will? Often times I feel like I fall short.I am so very thankful for everything you bless me with,I am humbled by your mercies,I know that I am not worthy of all your blessing,yet you love me still.
I want to be that woman you would have me to be,I know you are working on me and I welcome it with open arms.
At this point I know that I need to take bigger steps toward you,help me Father
I know we are all born into a sinful world, how do I avoid the pitfalls?I long to have that relationship with one man for the rest of my life.
Not because I feel incompleat being single,but moreso because I would be compleat with your blessing and love on a union you saw fit. Too many times we are not operating the way God would prefer us to. Who wants to fail at companionship? I personally don't function well if I know things are not right spiritually
God help me,help me!
I want to sell out all the way for you but sometimes you seem so far.
I wonder how should I act,what should I say,what makes a good christian?
I feel like the pressure to perform the good deeds sometimes are soley left on me. My sisters just don't seem to get it, and I feel like I always have to be strong, responsible, I always have to pick up the pieces.
I get tired;tired because my sisters don't help me with our mother.Their just off living there lives. Im the obediant daughter,sometimes I feel resentful about this at times and often beat myself with the guilt for not always wanting to be the one my family depends on..Sometimes the pressure is more than i want to bear. I wish that I could move about freely in life and just do me at times, do things for myself like travel, move wherever I want, have the career I dream of. I am afraid that the moment I leave my mothers side she will die. I know I will never forgive myself for not being there if I just do me. I guess that is what keeps me in the same spot, feelings of guilt and obligation to not live for me,but only to make her life better.
Is that selfish God? Is it selfish of my to want things for myself?
What would you have me do?,purify me and creat a new me for you and the world.
For those who read this,yes I am being very honest about who i am now.I don`t want to edit any part of who i am anymore.I don`t care how pretty or ugly i comes across this is me in a very vunerable form.I talk to God all the time and these are some of the things i talk to him about.I worry,I cry ,get frustrated with things and i tell him.We speak in the car,in my bed at night,in my office,i don`t care if someone sees me talking and thinks i am crazy,i know who i am having the conversation with.
My life is not some sad downtroddened story,I am very blessed.
I have many things that i am thankful for,yet i am still human i fail God at times.
I feel bad and i try my best to get back up again.
Wishful Thinking and Understanding
I just want things to be a bit more to the right than the left in my world.I want to know that i am on the straight and narrow.
I want to court,fall in love and marry a wonderful guy and pop out a couple of cute tykes.I want to take care of my mommy,but have the help of my sisters.I don`t want to feel guilty to venture out into the world because she feels she has only me to hold onto. People in my life who I can never please, and will never understand that my heart is with them. I think sometimes these people don't understand how much I have before me and feel I abandon them at times, when really I am already stretched to a potential breaking point.
It's a shackle of guilt because I don`t want to fail her where others did so many times before.I feel like much like a caged bird at times with my mother.
Loving her and wanting to be near and afraid still spread my wings and fly, afraid to realize my full potential because then I would not be able to focus on her 100%.
What would you make of my life God, Where do I go from here?
What do you need me to do?
I find often times Lord that I am so lost in what direction my life is going.
Am I doing your will? Often times I feel like I fall short.I am so very thankful for everything you bless me with,I am humbled by your mercies,I know that I am not worthy of all your blessing,yet you love me still.
I want to be that woman you would have me to be,I know you are working on me and I welcome it with open arms.
At this point I know that I need to take bigger steps toward you,help me Father
I know we are all born into a sinful world, how do I avoid the pitfalls?I long to have that relationship with one man for the rest of my life.
Not because I feel incompleat being single,but moreso because I would be compleat with your blessing and love on a union you saw fit. Too many times we are not operating the way God would prefer us to. Who wants to fail at companionship? I personally don't function well if I know things are not right spiritually
God help me,help me!
I want to sell out all the way for you but sometimes you seem so far.
I wonder how should I act,what should I say,what makes a good christian?
I feel like the pressure to perform the good deeds sometimes are soley left on me. My sisters just don't seem to get it, and I feel like I always have to be strong, responsible, I always have to pick up the pieces.
I get tired;tired because my sisters don't help me with our mother.Their just off living there lives. Im the obediant daughter,sometimes I feel resentful about this at times and often beat myself with the guilt for not always wanting to be the one my family depends on..Sometimes the pressure is more than i want to bear. I wish that I could move about freely in life and just do me at times, do things for myself like travel, move wherever I want, have the career I dream of. I am afraid that the moment I leave my mothers side she will die. I know I will never forgive myself for not being there if I just do me. I guess that is what keeps me in the same spot, feelings of guilt and obligation to not live for me,but only to make her life better.
Is that selfish God? Is it selfish of my to want things for myself?
What would you have me do?,purify me and creat a new me for you and the world.
For those who read this,yes I am being very honest about who i am now.I don`t want to edit any part of who i am anymore.I don`t care how pretty or ugly i comes across this is me in a very vunerable form.I talk to God all the time and these are some of the things i talk to him about.I worry,I cry ,get frustrated with things and i tell him.We speak in the car,in my bed at night,in my office,i don`t care if someone sees me talking and thinks i am crazy,i know who i am having the conversation with.
My life is not some sad downtroddened story,I am very blessed.
I have many things that i am thankful for,yet i am still human i fail God at times.
I feel bad and i try my best to get back up again.
Wishful Thinking and Understanding
I just want things to be a bit more to the right than the left in my world.I want to know that i am on the straight and narrow.
I want to court,fall in love and marry a wonderful guy and pop out a couple of cute tykes.I want to take care of my mommy,but have the help of my sisters.I don`t want to feel guilty to venture out into the world because she feels she has only me to hold onto. People in my life who I can never please, and will never understand that my heart is with them. I think sometimes these people don't understand how much I have before me and feel I abandon them at times, when really I am already stretched to a potential breaking point.
It's a shackle of guilt because I don`t want to fail her where others did so many times before.I feel like much like a caged bird at times with my mother.
Loving her and wanting to be near and afraid still spread my wings and fly, afraid to realize my full potential because then I would not be able to focus on her 100%.
What would you make of my life God, Where do I go from here?
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Last Night
Last night left the taste of your kiss
Still fresh on my lips.
I already know
I already know
I already know that I want you
Last night left the taste of your kiss
Still fresh on my lips and I am beaming today.
(Finally a good date and a good kiss...Thanks Jdub)
Still fresh on my lips.
I already know
I already know
I already know that I want you
Last night left the taste of your kiss
Still fresh on my lips and I am beaming today.
(Finally a good date and a good kiss...Thanks Jdub)
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Find A Way....

Ok so i met this guy in March and i thought he was really cute.At first i was like naw,not my type he has cornrolls it won`t work.Ill have to dump him the moment he asks me to braid his hair.He never asked,but he did lay kiss on me so hot my knees got weak.It was the kind of kiss that you see in movies,the kind that made you hold your breath.
Now folks are wondering,well great what`s the problem?Simple yet complicated,and my heart was caught in the middle.There was this young lady he fancied way before he ever met me,she fancied him too.What started out as simple and innocent turned into matters of the heart.Everything happend so fast with him,like we were spinning.
Once I realized how bad this could turn out I pulled away.I know he`s hurting and I am hurting too.Not because there was any love lose,but the reality that our friendship would not be the same.
I did`nt want to continue to see him and run the risk of falling for him.When you spend that kind of time with someone it`s bound to happen.I could not understand why he still wanted to see me...I can`t kiss you one day and look at you as my buddy the next.I needed that space and time to clear my head.
Do I miss him? Sure he`s my friend and we had some great times together.
Mabey If I lose him as a potential love,he can still come back to me as a beautiful friend without the complications of romance.
The time and distance is the best thing...but I miss my friend
To be continued...
"Im down to lose you,for a chance just to gain you...
Even if all I gain is the respect that you see in me"
Eric Roberson:Find A Way
Tuesday, August 30, 2005


I am trying to do just that...RELAX.Summer is almost over and I did just about everything I said I would do.I did my local traveling and relaxed and enjoyed the music.I got to meet Eric Roberson whom I love very much and he knows it now thanks to DeAndre.I was never so embarrased when he introduced us and he says "Hey Eric I want you to meet my friend...oh by the way she wants to marry you"
I wanted to disappear inside myself. Well he knows how I feel now and I`ll continue to stay close(stalk,lol...sike Im kidding) to him as much as I can.
Fall is on it`s way in and you know what that means.The holiday rush and New Years breakable resolutions.
I`ll have to go to the beach one mo gin before I hang the bathing suite up.
Ahhhhhhhhh to live is good.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
I Can Do Better
I am extremly tired today because i didn`t go to bed till 4am.I am working on a demo and did not finish one of my tracks till late.I sometimes worry if i am a good singer or not.I have been in this game since i was in elementary school,i knew back then i wanted to sing for a living.I really got into music around junior high and was molded and guided in that direction as a career.
I just want the music to be good,i want folks to relate and connect with it.I know i am a tough critic when it comes to myself but i always feel i can do better.I know i get on my producers nerves beacause i always ask to do the note or verse over till i feel it`s good.
Well the track i finished this moring is a jazzy joint,in the cut ,the pocket... well what i am trying to say is it`s really mellow,dark,soothing and seductive.Now that`s just what the track and the way i sing my vocals suggest,the words say something totally different.Everytime i step to mic i pray i am doing the music and lyrics justice.I love music so much and i think about some of the artist out there and wonder what happend to the real music.I think about songs that spoke about love and not sex,human struggle and not how hard can i shake me ass.What about the songs that made me think about my community and not how many ways can i drive flash and floss my new whip in the projects i still live in.I really hope i can reach someone.
My comments are not a knock at certain entertainers,but i try to be conscience of what i put out into the universe.The things i put out there are a reflection of who i am so i need my ish to be on point.I will do my best to not be so hard on myself,but continue to remind myself i can do better.
I just want the music to be good,i want folks to relate and connect with it.I know i am a tough critic when it comes to myself but i always feel i can do better.I know i get on my producers nerves beacause i always ask to do the note or verse over till i feel it`s good.
Well the track i finished this moring is a jazzy joint,in the cut ,the pocket... well what i am trying to say is it`s really mellow,dark,soothing and seductive.Now that`s just what the track and the way i sing my vocals suggest,the words say something totally different.Everytime i step to mic i pray i am doing the music and lyrics justice.I love music so much and i think about some of the artist out there and wonder what happend to the real music.I think about songs that spoke about love and not sex,human struggle and not how hard can i shake me ass.What about the songs that made me think about my community and not how many ways can i drive flash and floss my new whip in the projects i still live in.I really hope i can reach someone.
My comments are not a knock at certain entertainers,but i try to be conscience of what i put out into the universe.The things i put out there are a reflection of who i am so i need my ish to be on point.I will do my best to not be so hard on myself,but continue to remind myself i can do better.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Dance With ME Damn It!

I was on my way out the night this picture was taken, to a birthday party that the host never showed up to...go figure.I was lookin real cute that night too.
My friends and i got to the club and the men were so disappointing.Now when i go out it`s not to meet men,but i would at least like for them to ask a sista to dance.
I was in NYC for a Gurls Weekend,it was hot we had a ball.We ended up going to the really nice club.The men looked good the music was right and we all looked Dayum good.I noticed one group of good looking guys,some black,white,mixed all stading together chekin out the ladies.I was like cool for sure they will ask a women to dance.
Happy people came on...great a stepper song!All at the same time they break out in step,all together,all at the same time.WTH!
Not a one asked a women to dance,after the song was over they went back to there drinks and ass watchin.What`s the point of coming to a club and not dancing with anyone but yourself...much less your boys.I know i know...they could have been on the DL but dayum,Go Figure.
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